Gun Control: (phrase) the idea that the world of Man and Will can overcome Divine Intervention
It was suggested that a comet made a hole
In the chest of beauty, the final bullet gloom and ray slit,
Elongated streams in the river like processions of the dead.
The endangered after this, had no dominion in the solar system.
The motionless balm held intercourse with a wide dominion.
An elliptical voice from the icy bank took on less than a coherent second;
Melodious, golden, questioning all the canvas: duck, tide, sheen, glimmer,
For large-mannered reasoning to explain away with vigor. Dislodge.
The difference between the levels in the multiverse correspond to where
Your doppelgangers reside.
Level III is three-dimensional space, while another quantum branch may be infinite
To dislodge the billions their polymer tips, crept in.
From fields, trees, arms, legs, skulls
Bits to bite into, and to comb the stream.
To bid farewell: no more buckshot, pinpoint accuracy, Community Patrol Officers.
In this world, the lost children will cheer each other on,
At the middle school production
And their children’s children will not be molded by fear.
—Jonathan Andrew Pérez, Esq.