Cody Walker teaches English at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. He's the author of two poetry collections: The Self-Styled N0-Child (Waywiser, 2016) and Shuffle and Breakdown, (Waywiser, 2008). His awards include the James Boatwright III Prize for Poetry from Shenandoah, the Howard Frank Mosher Short Fiction Prize from Hunger Mountain, and residency fellowships from the University of Arizona Poetry Center, the Amy Clampitt Fund, and the Sewanee Writers’ Conference. A longtime writer-in-residence in Seattle Arts & Lectures’ Writers in the Schools program, he was elected Seattle Poet Populist in 2007. His work appears in The New York Times, Parnassus, Slate, The Yale Review, Poetry Northwest, The Hecht Prize Anthology, and The Best American Poetry (2015 and 2007). He’s the Associate Director of the Bear River Writers’ Conference and the co-editor of Alive at the Center: Contemporary Poems from the Pacific Northwest (Ooligan, 2013). He blogs most weeks for the Kenyon Review.